
Saint-Malo Pier

Cale de Dinan in Saint-Malo and la Gare Maritime de la Bourse

Kiosque Saint-Malo cale de Dinan

Launch Jetty
Cale de Dinan (opposite the Porte de Dinan Intra-Muros)
TÉL : 0825 138 100

Follow the arrows for the “Gare maritime de la Bourse” then the “Embarcadère Vedettes”
Car park nearby or at the Gare Maritime de la Bourse
Paul Féval relay parking, next to the racetrack. A shuttle then drops off the passengers in front of the Saint-Vincent door (old city).
It’s 5/7 minutes walk from our pier located in front of the Dinan door (old city).
Beware, the shuttles of this relay parking starting at approximately 09H, it’s better to park on the parking in front of the ramparts or those in front of the Gare Maritime de la Bourse  for the departures of the morning to Chausey and Dinan.


  • Dinard
  • Cézembre Island


Attention, departures for the excursions below are from la Gare Maritime de la Bourse (GPS : Chaussée Eric Tabarly)

  • Chausey Islands
  • Cap Fréhel & Fort la Latte
  • St-Malo Bay
  • Sea Fishing
  • Cancale
  • Saint-Cast-Le-Guildo
  • Dinan

Très belle année 2025 !

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A bientôt,